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How to Add Translator in Blogger Website

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 Hello! Welcome to Tecky AaryaN. 

You are looking for How to Add Translator in Blogger Website then this post is just for you.

How to Add Translator in Blogger Website
How to Add Translator in Blogger

How to Add Translator in Blogger

Make Your Website Accessible to a Global Audience

Adding a translator to your Blogger website is very easy and helps make your site accessible to a global audience. Using the Google Translate widget, you can allow users to translate your website content into any language. This code uses only HTML and JavaScript, making it very simple to implement. With this feature, visitors can select their preferred language and understand your site's content.

Why You Should Add a Translator

If you want to increase your blog's reach and target readers who speak different languages, this is the best option. It enhances user experience and ensures that your content is understandable to people worldwide.

Translator In Blogger Website

Step 1:  Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 : Go to Themes and then go to Edit HTML 

Step 3: Now Copy the following generated code & paste just </body> above it.

Step 4: Now, Click on Save Button


I hope you have successfully Added Translator in Blogger Site. If you are facing any problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in the comment box. 


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