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How to ADD Music In PLUS UI Blogger Theme

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 Hello! Welcome to Tecky AaryaN. 

You are looking for How to ADD Music In PLUS UI Blogger Theme then this post is just for you.

How to ADD Music In PLUS UI Blogger Theme

Work in both Old & new Version of PLUS UI.

How To get Audio Url

Login to our Github Account

Step 1: Login to our Github Account.

Enter title & make sure to be Repo public , click on create a repository
Step 2: Enter title & make sure to be Repo public , click on create a repository.

Click on uploading an existing file.

Step 3: Click on uploading an existing file.

Uplode Music/Audio mp3 File

Step 4: Uplode Music/Audio mp3 File.

After Music Uplode click on Commit Change.

Step 4: After Music Uplode click on Commit Change.

Click on Highlighted Option

Step 5: Click on Highlighted Option.

Step 6: Hold on View Raw.

Step 7: Copy Link Address.

Step 8: Go to Blogger Dashboard.

Step 9: On Blogger Dashboard, click theme & Open Edit HTML.

Step 10: Now search the code <!--[ Page Views ]--> tag.

How to ADD Music In PLUS UI Blogger Theme
<label onclick='musicMdread()'>
  <svg class='line' id='musicPlayButton' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
    <path d='M2.57996 8.66998C3.19996 6.90998 4.29997 5.37998 5.71997 4.22998'/>
    <path d='M2 12C2 13.17 2.20999 14.29 2.57999 15.33'/>
    <path d='M9.08997 21.57C10.01 21.85 10.99 22 12 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 11.4 21.94 10.81 21.84 10.24'/>
    <path d='M5.72003 19.75C5.25003 19.37 4.80002 18.95 4.40002 18.49'/>
    <path d='M20.24 6.34003C18.44 3.72003 15.42 2 12 2C10.99 2 10.01 2.14999 9.08997 2.42999'/>
    <path d='M8.59 17.1102C9.46813 17.1102 10.18 16.3983 10.18 15.5202C10.18 14.6421 9.46813 13.9302 8.59 13.9302C7.71186 13.9302 7 14.6421 7 15.5202C7 16.3983 7.71186 17.1102 8.59 17.1102Z'/>
    <path d='M16 14.4602V8.25015C16 6.93015 15.17 6.74012 14.33 6.97012L11.15 7.84018C10.57 8.00018 10.17 8.45015 10.17 9.12015V10.2301V10.9701V15.5202'/>
    <path d='M14.4101 16.0501C15.2882 16.0501 16.0001 15.3383 16.0001 14.4601C16.0001 13.582 15.2882 12.8701 14.4101 12.8701C13.5319 12.8701 12.8201 13.582 12.8201 14.4601C12.8201 15.3383 13.5319 16.0501 14.4101 16.0501Z'/>
    <path d='M10.1799 10.7602L15.9999 9.17017'/>
  <svg class='line hidden' id='musicPauseButton' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
    <path d='M6 4H10V20H6zM14 4H18V20H14z'/>

<!-- Audio element -->
<audio id='audioElement' src='https://github.com/Aaryan-sah/mera-desh/raw/refs/heads/main/music-by-teckyaaryan.mp3'/>

Replace My link Into our Link.

Step 11: Now Search Again </body> and paste above the following code.

(function() {
    // Credit: www.teckyaaryan.com
    const creditUrl = &quot;www.teckyaaryan.com&quot;;

    function musicMdread() {
        var audio = document.getElementById(&quot;audioElement&quot;);
        var playButton = document.getElementById(&quot;musicPlayButton&quot;);
        var pauseButton = document.getElementById(&quot;musicPauseButton&quot;);

        if (!audio || !playButton || !pauseButton || !validateCredit()) {
            console.error(&quot;Unauthorized modification detected. Please restore credit.&quot;);

        if (audio.paused) {
        } else {

    // Function to validate credit
    function validateCredit() {
        if (creditUrl === &quot;www.teckyaaryan.com&quot;) {
            return true;
        } else {
            console.error(&quot;Credit URL has been tampered with.&quot;);
            return false;

    // Attach the music function to global window object
    window.musicMdread = musicMdread;

    // Check every second to ensure credit is intact
    setInterval(function() {
        if (!validateCredit()) {
            console.error(&quot;Unauthorized modification detected. Please restore credit.&quot;);
    }, 1000);

Step 12: Now Click on Save Button.


I hope you have successfully added Music In PLUS UI. If you are facing any problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in the comment box. 


About the Author

Student | Developer | Blogger


  2. This can't be added in the latest version of Plus Ui v3.
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