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Quote Box For Blogger

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You are looking for Quote Box For Blogger then this post is just for you.

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Quote Box For Blogger

Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: On Blogger Dashboard, click Layout.

Step 3: Add Html/Javascript Box In Side-Widget.

Step 4: Code The following Code & just paste in the Box.
Quote Box For Blogger
<div class="wrapper">
        <div class="content">
            <div class="quote-area">
                <svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M17 11a4 4 0 1 1 4-4c0 1.473-1.333 6.14-4 14h-2l2-10ZM7 11a4 4 0 1 1 4-4c0 1.473-1.333 6.14-4 14H5l2-10Z" stroke-width="1"></path></svg>
                <p class="quote">Myths which are believed in tend to become true.<div class="authorA"><span></span><span class="name"></span></div></p>
        <div class="buttons">
            <div class="features">
                    <li class="speech"><svg height="24" viewbox="0 -960 960 960" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M560-131v-82q90-26 145-100t55-168q0-94-55-168T560-749v-82q124 28 202 125.5T840-481q0 127-78 224.5T560-131ZM120-360v-240h160l200-200v640L280-360H120Zm440 40v-322q47 22 73.5 66t26.5 96q0 51-26.5 94.5T560-320ZM400-606l-86 86H200v80h114l86 86v-252ZM300-480Z"></path></svg></li>
                    <li class="copy an"><svg style="height: 18px" viewbox="0 -960 960 960" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M360-240q-33 0-56.5-23.5T280-320v-480q0-33 23.5-56.5T360-880h360q33 0 56.5 23.5T800-800v480q0 33-23.5 56.5T720-240H360Zm0-80h360v-480H360v480ZM200-80q-33 0-56.5-23.5T120-160v-560h80v560h440v80H200Zm160-240v-480 480Z"></path></svg></li>
                    <li class="twitter an"><svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><path d="M18.89,7.012c0.808-0.496,1.343-1.173,1.605-2.034c-0.786,0.417-1.569,0.703-2.351,0.861   c-0.703-0.756-1.593-1.14-2.66-1.14c-1.043,0-1.924,0.366-2.643,1.078c-0.715,0.717-1.076,1.588-1.076,2.605   c0,0.309,0.039,0.585,0.117,0.819C8.806,9.096,6.26,7.82,4.254,5.364c-0.34,0.601-0.51,1.213-0.51,1.846   c0,1.301,0.549,2.332,1.645,3.089c-0.625-0.053-1.176-0.211-1.645-0.47c0,0.929,0.273,1.705,0.82,2.388   c0.549,0.676,1.254,1.107,2.115,1.291c-0.312,0.08-0.641,0.118-0.979,0.118c-0.312,0-0.533-0.026-0.664-0.083   c0.23,0.757,0.664,1.371,1.291,1.841c0.625,0.472,1.344,0.721,2.152,0.743c-1.332,1.045-2.855,1.562-4.578,1.562   c-0.422,0-0.721-0.006-0.902-0.038c1.697,1.102,3.586,1.649,5.676,1.649c2.139,0,4.029-0.542,5.674-1.626   c1.645-1.078,2.859-2.408,3.639-3.974c0.784-1.564,1.172-3.192,1.172-4.892V8.34c0.758-0.57,1.371-1.212,1.84-1.921   C20.32,6.712,19.617,6.911,18.89,7.012z"></path></g></svg></li>
                <button class="an">Change Quote</button>
<script defer='defer'>
const quoteText = document.querySelector(".quote"),
      quoteBtn = document.querySelector("button.an"),
      authorName = document.querySelector(".name"),
      speechBtn = document.querySelector(".speech"),
      copyBtn = document.querySelector(".copy.an"),
      twitterBtn = document.querySelector(".twitter.an"),
      synth = speechSynthesis;

function randomQuote() {
  const e = quote[Math.floor(Math.random() * quote.length)];
  quoteText.innerHTML = e;

function mcK() {

speechBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  if (!quoteBtn.classList.contains("loading")) {
    let e = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(`${quoteText.innerText}`);
    setInterval(() => {
      synth.speaking ? speechBtn.classList.add("active") : speechBtn.classList.remove("active");
    }, 10);

copyBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  navigator.clipboard.writeText(quoteText.innerText).then(() => {
    alert("Quote copied to clipboard");

twitterBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  let e = `https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=${encodeURIComponent(quoteText.innerText)}`;
  window.open(e, "_blank");

setTimeout(mcK, 0);
quoteBtn.addEventListener("click", randomQuote);

const quote = [
  'The only real valuable thing is intuition.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Albert Einstein</span></div>',
  'A small piece of paper cant decide your future.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">AaryaN Sah</span></div>',
  'There is no great genius without some touch of madness.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Seneca the Younger</span></div>',
  'History is written by the victors.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Winston Churchill</span></div>',
  'It\'s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don\'t say it.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Sam Levenson</span></div>',
  'Myths which are believed in tend to become true.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">George Orwell</span></div>',
  'Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Corita Kent</span></div>',
  'Friends... they cherish one another\'s hopes. They are kind to one another\'s dreams.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Henry David Thoreau</span></div>',
  'I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Abraham Lincoln</span></div>',
  'You may say I\'m a dreamer, but I\'m not the only one, I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">John Lennon</span></div>',
  'Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Napoleon Hill</span></div>',
  'We never live; we are always in the expectation of living.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Voltaire</span></div>',
  'Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Gloria Steinem</span></div>',
  'Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Arthur Conan Doyle</span></div>',
  'The noblest worship is to make yourself as good and as just as you can.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Isocrates</span></div>',
  'Life is what happens while you are making other plans.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">John Lennon</span></div>',
  'I cannot make my days longer, so I strive to make them better.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Henry David Thoreau</span></div>',
  'A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Jeff Bezos</span></div>',
  'A friend is what the heart needs all the time.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Henry van Dyke Jr.</span></div>',
  'Each day provides its own gifts.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Marcus Aurelius</span></div>',
  'First-rate people hire first-rate people; second-rate people hire third-rate people.<div class="authorA"><span>__</span><span class="name">Leo Rosten</span></div>'
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/teckyaaryan/Motivational-Quote-Box@main/Motivational-Quote-Box.css">
Step 5: Now Save The Layout Box.

I hope you have successfully added . If you are facing any problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in the comment box. 


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