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Add Printing In Plus UI Blogger Theme Style 2

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 Hello! Welcome to Tecky AaryaN. 

You are looking for Add Printing In Plus UI Blogger Theme Style 2 then this post is just for you.

You may want to read this post:

Print In Plus UI Style 2

Before we start adding codes in XML, I will recommend you to take a Backup of your current theme. By chance if any problem occurs, you can restore it later.

Step 1: On Blogger Dashboard, click Theme. 

Step 2: Click the arrow down icon next to 'Customize' button. 

Step 3: Now click on Edit HTML 

Step 4: Now search the code <div class='pIc'>and paste code like image.
<!--[ Print by Tecky AaryaN ]-->
<label class='GV' onclick='window.print();'>
<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path class='svgC' d='M7.25 7H16.75V5C16.75 3 16 2 13.75 2H10.25C8 2 7.25 3 7.25 5V7Z' stroke-miterlimit='10'/><path class='svgC' d='M16 15V19C16 21 15 22 13 22H11C9 22 8 21 8 19V15H16Z' stroke-miterlimit='10'/><path d='M21 10V15C21 17 20 18 18 18H16V15H8V18H6C4 18 3 17 3 15V10C3 8 4 7 6 7H18C20 7 21 8 21 10Z' stroke-miterlimit='10'/><path class='svgC' d='M17 15H15.79H7' stroke-miterlimit='10'/><path class='svgC' d='M7 11H10' stroke-miterlimit='10'/></svg></label>

I hope you have successfully added your Print System. If you are facing any problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in the comment box. 



  1. Hi @Aaryan, it was really great. But I want to print only article, not full page with menu, header or logo. Only article want to print, pls help me. Thanks in advance.
    1. Ok I will posted soon
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