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How to Redirect a Blogger Site to the another Blogger Site

How to Redirect a Blogger Site to the another Blogger Site
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 Hello! Welcome to Tecky AaryaN. 

You are looking for How to Redirect a Blogger Site to the another Blogger Site then this post is just for you.

How to Redirect a Blogger Site to the another Blogger Site

Redirecting Blogger Site to Another

Redirecting a Blogger site to another helps in guiding visitors to a new website seamlessly.

It ensures that all traffic from the old site is forwarded to the new site automatically.

This method is beneficial for maintaining user engagement and preserving SEO rankings during a transition.

It also prevents visitors from accessing outdated content on the old site, ensuring they always land on the latest and most relevant information.


  • Ensures a smooth transition for visitors.
  • Helps maintain search engine rankings.
  • Avoids confusion by redirecting users to updated content.


  • May cause temporary traffic loss if not implemented correctly.
  • Could lead to SEO fluctuations during the transition phase.
  • Requires careful monitoring to ensure the redirect functions properly.

Redirect a Blogger Site to the another Blogger Site

Step 1:  Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 : Go to Themes and then go to Edit HTML 

Step 3: Now Copy the following generated code & paste just <head> above it.

Redirect Script Generator

Step 4: Now, Click on Save Button


I hope you have successfully Added Redirect in Blogger Site. If you are facing any problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in the comment box. 


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